
Grievance Handling Mechanism (step-by-step instruction for investor grievance handling) The Company has an established mechanism for investor service and grievance handling, with the Compliance Officer appointed by the Company for this purpose, being the important functional nodes. Some of the key steps undertaken by the depository for handling Investor Grievances are enumerated as follows:

The Company has a designated email ID for handling investor grievances on which investor can send a complaint. This e-mail ID is mentioned on every communication/Delivery Instruction Slips of the Depository to the shareholders and is also mentioned on the website.

Executives access the above-mentioned designated investor grievances e-mail ID on a regular basis to check whether any new complaint or request from any BO has been received.

Full details of the complaint or request are immediately thereafter informed to Compliance Officer.

Obtains all information available on the complaint or request which is considered necessary for a proper resolution of the grievance. It looks into all the necessary information and undertakes to resolve them as soon as possible

Upon receipt of the necessary documentation and information, and after satisfying the necessary quality checks, the Depository follows the practice of resolving the investor complaint or request promptly and as per the service standards established.

Status Report is obtained periodically in respect of various correspondences and complaints received.

The Status of receipt, redressal and pendency of all the complaints are placed before the Committee and Board.

Depository is primarily responsible to resolve the investor's grievances and is responsible for discharging investor service functions effectively, efficiently and expeditiously.

The complaints received through Stock Exchange, CDSL and SEBI are attended immediately

All the investor complaints/grievance received online through "SEBI Complaints Redress System" (Scores) are checked regularly and replied/resolved expeditiously.

The Company has made available escalation matrix for shareholders to escalate their concern, the details of which are display on the website.

Policy Adherence Responsibility: The Compliance Officer to ensure that all mandatory provisions of SEBI Regulations and SEBI Investor Protection Guidelines, etc. are complied with and complaints/grievances from shareholders and investors and those routed through Stock Exchanges or SEBI SCORES or Statutory authority(ies) are resolved/replied appropriately. The policies formulated will be reviewed periodically.

In absence of response/ complaint not addressed to your satisfaction, you may lodge a complaint with CDSL at
or NSDL at
or SEBI at Please quote your Complaint Ref No. while raising your complaint at SEBI SCORES/ Depository portal.

Compliance Officer

Rajendra Kumar Mungar

Address: Gulab Baug Colony Indore

Tel : 9826032688

Email :